I fell in love with collage while living in Barcelona in the 1990s. Having always had a passion for composition and photography, it gave me an excuse to hoard large numbers of images and combine them in thematic, bizarre or textural combinations.
Once I am happy with the structural bones of the piece, I add paint, bold colour combinations and geometric lines to synthesise the piece and create an otherworldly feel.
I nearly always work onto wood; pouring multiple resin coats over the finished piece to protect the colours and the more fragile elements of my work. I generally prefer a gloss finish, but occasionally I will buff the resin to a matt or simply varnish a piece – especially if I want the result to have a vintage flavour.
I love art deco, surrealism, esoteric themes, geekdom and graphic illustration.

My pieces are durable, and the majority are designed to be hung directly onto the wall.
Mostly, my work is relatively small in size, in order to sneak into quirky places in the house and boldly go where no artwork has gone before…
If you’d like me to use your images in a piece, please contact me via my website: www.indigojax.co.uk or email me: indigojax@outlook.com