Abstraction and the concept of spontaneity forms the basis of Jessie’s instinctive work.
Jessie explores the language of paint and mark making to evoke emotions in the viewer, aiming to communicate how pure abstract work can generate visual energetic joy and pleasure.
The way Jessie experiments with materials, a vibrant colour palette and juxtaposing textures is key to making each piece vividly unique. She looks at the dynamics created when colours, marks, textures and ratios are set with and against each other to create a cohesive piece.

Her abstract style has developed over the last year, with looser brushstrokes and experimenting with further layering creating more depth to her pieces. In more recent works she has used washes over larger areas to create a different sense of space and balance to her compositions.
Jessie continues to explore abstraction and push the boundaries of her vivid and vibrant colour palette.